The art of choosing. And to opt out.
![Strategi – konsten att välja. Och att välja bort.](/wp-content/uploads/Strategi-1.jpg)
That strategy is about choosing is certainly not news, but that one simultaneously chooses out alternatives, and that one dares to opt out, is not always so obvious. Many strategies have failed because tactical and financial choices are made that do not match the strategy.
How do you make a good choice? There are a number of criteria, apart from the purely business ones, that are important to succeed with your strategy.
You must like your choice. If the leadership or those who will live after the choice do not like the election or even accept it, they will not carry out the consequences of the choice. Nor will they be able to get others to work to or understand the strategy.
You must believe in your choice. If you do not believe in the strategy, it will be reflected in how the activities are carried out. It is directly reflected in how successful the strategy is.
The strategy must have an attractiveness. If you yourselves are not attracted, why should anyone else be? The power of a good strategy lies in when many people do something together and strive towards the same goal.
and work with a sustainable strategy?